2801 E. Loop 150, Bastrop, TX 78602

(512) 303.1010

Campground Policies

Check In / Check Out 

Check in is at 2 PM and entitles you to your site until noon the day after check in. If you arrive  early, please make arrangements until your site opens up. You do not need to contact the office  for check in/out, unless you need to pay. 

Late check-ins are allowed at any time, please contact the park for instructions. 

If you are staying in our park for a month or longer, we require a signed agreement. Please  contact park for more details. 

Site Changes and Refunds 

You have been assigned a specific site, if you wish to move please check with the office. If early departure/termination is requested by either party for any reason, especially violation of park  terms and conditions, rent is non-refundable. 

Cancellation Policy

We are happy to provide a full refund less a $20 processing fee for cancellations made at least 7 days prior to the reservation start date. For cancellations made within a 7-day period, we can offer a refund minus a $50 fee. For cancellations made within 24 hours from arrival will not receive a refund. A park credit may be negotiated if a cancellation is due to hardship.

Open Fires 

Campfires are not allowed in our park. BBQ pits, fryers, charcoal or propane grills with screens  may be used for cooking and must be kept on the concrete, however DO NOT PLACE  BARBECUE GRILLS ON CONCRETE PATIOS WITHOUT PROTECTION. Do not dump  your oil or coals in the grass or gravel areas. Any clean up will result in a fine. 


Please do not park your vehicle, trailer, or boat in an adjacent site. Use of more than one site will  result in additional charges. 


Storage is not allowed under or around your RV. Management has 100% control over landscape  and items placed outside of your RV. 

Site and Park Navigation 

Please be respectful of your neighbor and do not walk between sites when navigating the park.  Please use main roads, sidewalks, and designated public paths to walk around the campground. 

Site Set Up and Washing

Washing RVs or vehicles is only permitted with 1 bucket of water and a sponge. Hose washing is  not permitted, as it can result in a mess and disturb your neighbors. Please note that park  management maintains 100% control over landscape and items placed outside of your RV. Please  keep your site neat and free of clutter. No storage is permitted around or under RVs. Grass area  must remain clear of all personal items. 

Sewer Hoses

You must have a 4” threaded or airtight donut type and must be supported off the ground. Texas  Law requires the use of sewer rings.

Pet Policy

Pets must be kept on a least at all times. Be a good neighbor and always clean up after your pet.  Do not let your pet deposit waste on your site or any of our other guest sites. Failure to clean up  after your pet will result in a $25.00 fee each time and/or you being asked to leave without a  refund. Aggressive dogs (as determined by management) of any bread will not be allowed in our  park. Pets will not be allowed in buildings or pool. 

Leaving Pets Unattended

Pets may not be left unattended in our park. Please do not tie your pet to a tree and leave.  Leaving your pets unattended is dangerous and will not be tolerated. Unattended pets and/or  barking will result in you being asked to leave without a refund. 

Pet Vaccinations

All pets must be vaccinated in our park. Please make sure your pet’s shots are up-to-date. 


Excessive barking is not tolerated and disturbs your neighbors. Please note that excessive  barking may result in you being asked to leave without refund. 

Vehicle Policies

The park speed limit is 5 mph. Traffic is one way! This policy has been implemented to keep  you, your children, and your pets safe. Exceeding the speed limit will result in a warning,  multiple warnings will require us to ask you to leave. Safety is our number one priority for our  guests. 

Bicycles and golf carts must remain on roadways and driveways. 


Each paid guest registration covers 1 RV per site and 1 vehicle per site. Extra vehicles will need  to be parked in additional parking spots as directed by management at a cost of $10.00 per day/or $50.00 per month. Please do not park on our grass. Ruts caused in your site due to  additional vehicles will result in damage charges. Please do not park on campsite patios.

Trailers, Boats, and additional vehicles will cost additional fees for camping. A nightly registration covers 1 RV and 1 vehicle only. 

No parking in common areas. Do not park in the middle of the road. Do not park in sites that you  did not register for and do not block other guest sites. Parking on the grass is not permitted.  Violators may be fined or towed.

Severe Weather

In case of severe weather, seek shelter as directed by management. We love pets, so please bring  them with you and please do not leave them in your RV during severe weather warnings. 

Behavior and Visitors 

Disorderly conduct, drunkenness, drugs, excessively loud music, obscene language, or rowdy  behavior will not be tolerated. Only registered guests are permitted to enter the park. All visitors  must stop in the office to register and receive a parking pass. Visitors may not bring pets. The  Hill RV Park reserves the right to limit the number of people visiting a site. Day visitors must  depart by 10:00 pm CST. Overnight visitors must depart by Noon CST. Please check with the  office before inviting any visitors. Registered guests are responsible for ensuring their visitors  are properly registered and that all campground rules are followed. Pool access for guests is at a  cost of $10.00 per day per person. The Hill RV Park staff is not responsible for personal property  or bodily damage, injury or loss by accident, fire, or theft. Sites will be inspected upon departure.  If damages other than normal wear and tear are found and/or cleaning deemed excessive the  credit card on file will be charged $300.00. 

Electrical Use

You are responsible for understanding how many amps you are using in your RV. Amp usage  over the 50 AMPs provided can trip your breaker. 

Please notify the office so that we can notify maintenance if you have any electrical issues during  your stay. Guests are not permitted to diagnose our electrical pedestals per insurance and safety  requirements. Maintenance is happy to help. Even if you are an electrician, laws prohibit you  from working on our pedestals unless hired to do so. 


Once completed, the laundry room is open 24/7. Please do not leave your laundry unattended.  We are not responsible for accidents or theft. 


Once completed, restrooms will be open 24/7 with the exception of a temporary closing for  cleaning once per day. We ask for your help in keeping the restrooms clean, please. Guests under  the age of 18 need adult supervision in the bathrooms and showers as well as the pool area. 

Pool & Playground 

No lifeguard is on duty. Once completed, the pool will open at 9 am after quiet time and closes at  dusk. Anyone under 14 must be supervised in these areas and all areas of the campground at all  times. Horseplay, running, and diving is not permitted in our pool area. Alcohol and Food is not  permitted inside the pool itself. Loud music, glass, and rough play are not permitted at our pool  or playground. Failure to follow these rules result in you being asked to leave without refund.  Children in diapers are not allowed in our pool. Only swimming suits and swimming trunks  permitted in our pool, no cut offs. Please do not let your children climb our trees, as it damages  them.

Quiet Time Policies 

Quiet time is 9:00 pm to 9:00 am daily. Absolutely no unnecessary, loud or disruptive noise of  any kind is permitted during these hours. Anyone playing loud music will be warned only once  and then asked to leave without a refund. 

Trash Disposal and Recycling 

Dumpsters are located near the office. Please tie trash bags completely closed and put your trash  in the appropriate trash container. Please do not place your trash on the ground outside of the  dumpster. Do not dispose of wires, oil, furniture, mattresses, or any toxic waste or chemicals in  our dumpsters. Failure to adhere to these rules may result in charges or fines. We have a  recycling dumpster and ask that you please separate your trash to the appropriate container. 


Children under 14 must be supervised by an adult at all times. Horseplay, running, or diving in  the pool is not permitted. Riding bicycles without a parent and on our main entrance road is  prohibited for the safety of your children and our incoming RV guests. Anyone under the age of  14 must be back at their site by dusk. Children may not use the restrooms without being  accompanied by a parent or guardian. Parents/guardians are responsible for the actions of their  children and their visitors children at all times. This includes financial responsibility for any  damages caused. 

Prohibited Item

Clotheslines, wires or ropes between vehicles, water risers, electrical pedestals, landscape items,  vent pipes, sale signs, advertising or commercial signs, tents, illegal substances, and drones are  all prohibited in our park. 

Fireworks and Firearms 

Fireworks and firearms are strictly prohibited in our park. The prohibiting of fireworks includes  sparklers, smoke bombs, aerials, and firecrackers. The prohibiting of firearms includes all guns  including air soft, BB, and pellet guns. If these items are seen outside of your RV, you will be  asked to leave immediately without a refund. 

RVs and Repairs 

Repairs to RVs and vehicles are not permitted in our park. We are happy to recommend a local  Mobile RV Repair service that comes out to your site to assist you with any repairs. RVs over 10  years of age will be inspected by management for approval. We reserve the right to refuse any  RV if it is not aesthetically pleasing or in good condition.

Mail will be accepted for RV park guests.  

Your Name  

RV Site#  

C/O The Hill RV Park  

2801 E Loop 150  

Bastrop, TX 78602  

Safety and Emergencies

Call 911 for Fire, Police, or Ambulance. The park address is 2801 E Loop 150, Bastrop. For all  other concerns, please contact the office 512-303-1010 and provide site number. Emergency  Contact Information forms are required from all monthly guests. This information remains  private and used only when a situation arises when we need to contact someone in the event of  an emergency or is sought by law enforcement agencies. We never give personal information out  to others. 

If you observe any activity you believe to be of concern, call 512-303-1010 24 hours a day. (No  soliciting is allowed.) 

If you need to call 911 for any reason, and time allows, please call the office so the maintenance  staff can be prepared to escort the emergency personnel to your site. 

THE HILL BTX LLC, “The Hill RV Park” guests agree to abide by these Terms and Condition  and understand that they are legally binding. All parties agree that in the event of a dispute that  the License Agreement will be interpreted in accordance with Texas Law and that the guest shall  be responsible for attorney fees and costs of The Hill RV Park management and its  representatives incurred and arising out of any breach of the License Agreement and these Terms  and Conditions by guests and their visitors. Guest agree to hold harmless The Hill RV Park and  their owners, employees, agents, and assigns against any and all liability for any claim of  personal injury, property damage, intangible damages, advertising injury, discrimination, or any  other causes of action in tort, contract or equity arising out of the acts or omissions of The Hill  RV Park guests and their visitors. 

RVs shall be self contained and equipped with an approved sewer trap and vent. All RVs must  have suitable utility connections (including a screw driver dower adaptor and hose) for external  hookup and meet all federal, state, and county requirements.

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